East Kilbride Housing Association

Associate Member

In the early 1990s the East Kilbride Development Corporation was required to transfer its housing stock to the local authority.  However, local residents were keen that at least some of the housing stock in East Kilbride was owned and controlled locally, resulting in the East Kilbride Housing Association being formed in 1994.

325 houses and flats were transferred to the Association from the Development Corporation. 195 of these were new build homes and 130 were older properties transferred individually as they became vacant.  In 1995 they embarked on a substantial improvement programme to ensure that all of their tenants have safe, secure and well insulated homes which meet or go beyond the Scottish Housing Quality Standard.  They are also working to ensure all of their properties meet the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH) by December 2020.

The Association has over 500 properties and more development opportunities are in the pipeline.  They also work in partnership with a number of voluntary and statutory agencies to provide accommodation with support for people with particular needs.