Homes for Life Housing Partnership

Associate Member

Homes for Life Housing Partnership was founded in 1998 to provide affordable homes throughout East Lothian, funded under the New Housing Partnership Initiative. They are a Registered Limited Company, a Registered Charity, and a Registered Social Landlord.

They have a team of 7 staff, based at the Company's office in Haddington, working under the direction of a Board of Directors who are elected or appointed by its membership, which includes both East Lothian Council and East Lothian Housing Association as founder members.

They are a small organisation, with around 300 properties, most of which are rented with a small proportion being low cost home ownership. They are in towns and villages in East Lothian: Aberlady, Athlestanford, Cockenzie, Dunbar, East Linton, Elphinstone, Garvald, Gifford, Gladsmuir, Gullane, Haddington, Innerwick, Longniddry, Macmerry, North Berwick, Ormiston, Stenton, West Barns and Whittengehame.