16 December 2021
Mary Mitchell, Construction, Transport and Environment portfolio lead
Mary reflects on first six months in new role and looks forward to 2022
I’ve been working closely with Scotland Excel since June 2019 when I was seconded from Perth and Kinross Council to work on a transformational project. Towards the end of that time, the opportunity to lead the newly formed Construction, Transport and Environment team arose, and I was thrilled when I go the job.
It’s a challenging and strategic position that has such an important role to play for our members and the wider public sector. We’ve brought together three of our biggest portfolios and combined them into one team that will allow us to focus more closely on customer needs and national priorities.
The past six months have been a busy time for us while we’ve been coordinating our efforts to align even more closely with national and local government policy. I’m excited to be leading the team which has so much of Scotland’s infrastructure development in its sights.
Key frameworks for us and our members continue to be our new build framework that offers ecologically sound house building with offsite construction and PassivHaus vastly reducing the environmental impact.
Early in 2022, we will see the launch of our second-generation energy efficiency contractors framework which will help councils and other social landlords to implement energy efficiency measures in their properties which cut emissions, tackle fuel poverty and create warmer homes.
Our electric vehicle charging infrastructure framework that’s currently out for tender will support the decarbonisation of the public sector fleet by giving members the ability to develop, renew or maintain their EV charging sites and reduce fleet emissions.
The team also manage a whole host of other national contracts that include reused furnishings, recycling of waste streams, the maintenance of public spaces and buildings and various trade materials frameworks that are vital to our members and to Scotland.
Environmental and community benefits are at the heart of our frameworks, and we are acutely aware that we need to achieve these whilst delivering a return on investment for our members. All our frameworks are conceived, shaped, and delivered with full input from our members through technical panels and extensive market research and I think that’s what makes us stand out from other procurement organisations. That and the fact that we offer frameworks that cover almost all the services that local government, housing associations and third sector require; we’re a one-stop shop!
I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank our suppliers who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic. We’re all aware of the shortages and supply chain issues impacting on construction and housing at the moment. The lengths that some of our suppliers have gone to, to mitigate the impact on our members has been inspiring. In some supply lines we are starting to see a greater degree of predictability, and we are keeping a close eye on others so that we can manage our portfolio effectively as conditions stabilise.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
To discuss any of the Scotland Excel frameworks or to enquire about becoming a member please contact us.